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It’s all in the numbers…

August 26, 2012

I hate to admit it.. but it is ALL about the numbers for me…. always has been always will be…

I never struggled with my weight as a child… I was a stick… knobby knees.. the whole bit… it wasn’t until my first real job and lots of sitting that I gained some weight.. and I wasn’t even unhappy… it was AFTER having children though that the battle began…

In the earlier years (pre-40)…it was super easy to lose weight… and I could have a day where I blew it entirely and I’d STILL lose weight for the week… but not now…

NOW I’m over 40!!! (dun dun duuuuunnn)

Now, if I think about sneaking a treat I don’t lose for the week. It’s so much harder. For a little while last year I decided…

‘I just won’t care’..

but that didn’t work… and here’s why…

I weighed 140

I wore a size 10

Those numbers just don’t work for me emotionally… and I hate that I’m a girl about the numbers.. but I am… so… welcome to this summer…

I pulled up the app on my phone that I have come to rely on daily… ‘My Fitness Pal’… it’s free.. it tracks my calories (and my daily percentages for all the important things).. and my fitness… my running away from zombies earns me more calories that I can eat…

And… I like to eat… I have always eaten rather healthfully, …just too much of it…

I plugged away… and the numbers started falling to the ranges I’m much more happy with… but the clothing sizes weren’t budging (grump grump grump)… until finally… I was down to an 8… in the very low 130s…

Today.. I jumped on the scale for one of my 4 obsessive checks per day (I’m a geek with the numbers)… and I was at 127!! wahoo! so… on a whim… I pulled out my size 6 shorts…

and wouldn’t you know it…

They fit… loosely!

so happy

One Comment leave one →
  1. August 27, 2012 9:52 am

    YAY! So proud of you.

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